Understanding Hinduism. Bhakti Marga Academy.
Understanding Hinduism. Bhakti Marga Academy.
With over a billion followers, Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world. But with so many ideas, practices and traditions under one banner, it is perhaps the most misunderstood of all the world's faith. As this book shows, Hinduism, at its core, is a spiritual culture that has managed to nurture a series of pathways to transcendence.
Through philosophy, narrative, yoga and ritual, the seeking individual is guided towards the first-hand experience of God. By going further and delving into the teachings of the masters and scriptures, one can see how every conceivable aspect of spiritual life has been revealed and systematised.
The following pages provide a tour of these teachings and show why this great religion has managed to thrive for millennia.
Language: English, French